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Online furniture store with a warehouse in Riga and a furniture showroom in the MOLS shopping center

Are you looking for where to buy quality furniture at an affordable price in Latvia? Our online store offers a wide range of furniture for home and office with the possibility of online purchase and fast delivery throughout Latvia. In AVANTI you will find everything you need to create a cozy and modern interior: from extendable tables and chairs to folding sofas with sleeping place, beds and armchairs.

Making a purchase with us is easy and convenient. Place orders on our website and pick them up from our AVANTI OUTLET furniture warehouse the very next business day. If you prefer to personally examine the furniture before purchasing, welcome to our AVANTI HOME furniture showroom, located in the MOLS shopping center in Riga. Here you can see our range live and choose the ideal options for your home.

Enrich your space with functional and aesthetically pleasing furniture at competitive prices. Our clever solutions, such as space-saving folding tables, add space and organization to small spaces. Modern chairs will add sophistication to your kitchen or living room. And corner and folding sofas with a sleeping place will provide a comfortable rest and will become the central element of the interior in your living room.

By choosing our online store, you receive not only high-quality furniture, but also a high level of service. We offer flexible payment options, including the option of paying by cash or card on delivery, giving you complete security and convenience. With AVANTI your home will become even more comfortable and stylish. Buy furniture online or come visit our furniture showroom in Riga.